Thursday, October 12, 2006

Dental Insurance Search for your family or business

Are you looking for a dental insurance plan for yourself, your family, or your small business? Online dental insurance searches may help you find an affordable plan that fits your needs. Consider what sort of coverage you are looking for - i.e. exams, filling, orthodontics, etc., what price you can afford to pay, and target your search to see if your expectations are reasonable.

Dental is a free service that allows you to compare from leading insurance carriers around the country. Receive free quotes from America’s
best dental insurance and apply online today in a few short minutes. We feature a wide variety of plans, features and services that cover all dental needs from simple checkups to root canals and braces. Our elaborate database of dentists gives you the freedom to choose the dentist by either location or specialty.

Find More Dental Insurance Tips at 247QuoteUS.COM

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Healthcare Benefits for the Way You Live!

If you cannot GET health insurance because you are uninsurable, do not have a social security number, or any other reason, you may want to consider ,TeamCorp and USA+ Benefits.

USA+ is actually rolling out a Return of Premium Program. In other words, if you keep the plan for a stated length of time, you may qualify to have your premium refunded. Now it would take five to ten years to qualify for a return of premium, but considering the alternative - not having a premium refunded - this may provide an incentive.

USA+ benefits are right for some people. But even though USA+ has group insurance componants to it - it is NOT a major medical insurance policy. The USA+ article is below, and it will explain more.

Healthcare Benefits for the Way You Live
New Innovations and Access to Healthcare Benefits.

The healthcare crisis in America has resulted in millions of people being unable to afford the rising cost of healthcare. There are also millions of other people who cannot qualify for healthcare benefits due to uninsurable health conditions. The issues of affordability and eligibility are huge obstacles facing Americans as they seek to get the quality healthcare they need.

Your client can become a member of our nationwide membership association and get "guaranteed access" to a new world of special healthcare privileges. Our members get special access to both discounted and insured benefits through our strategic alliances with some of the biggest companies in the healthcare and insurance industries.

United Service Association For Health Care (USA+), a
non-profit corporation, was founded in 1988 in Washington, D.C. to benefit the lives of individuals, families, the self-employed, small business owners and their employees. USA+ has saved its members more than $100 million* in documented savings. This is an association membership and not an insurance policy. Members have access to insured benefits through group policies issued to USA+.

Some of the benefits available to our members are NOT insurance and are discount benefits only. As added membership benefits, members are automatically covered under certain group insurance policies purchased by USA+. These benefits are underwritten by A.M. Best rated insurance companies and subject to the exclusions, limitations, terms and conditions of coverage as set forth in the insurance certificate provided in membership materials and the Policy issued to USA+.

Not all USA+ products are available in all states.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Orthodontics and Braces - Dental Discount Plans Vs. Dental Insurance Article

I found a good article on the advantages and disads of dental insurance vs. dental discount plans for braces and other orthodontics.


Thursday, May 18, 2006

Medicare Part D Cut Off Is Past

Hopefully, all the senior citizens you know have already signed up for a Part D plan as May 15, 2006 was the cut-off until the next open enrollment period in November. Now, I personally don't think that they should have a cut-off, but that's me.

If you need information:

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Seniors May Consider Dental Plans

Almost all seniors in the US qualify for Medicare coverage, and many supplement this with Medicare Supplments or Medicare Advantage Plans or Employee Sponsored Health plans.

However, dental coverage is often left out. Some Medicare Advantage inlcude dental plans, but they are usually not comprehensive.

The ironic thing is - good dental care has left a lot of this generation of senior with their teeth! That's a good thing. However, like everything else, teeth take more maintenance as we age.

I think an excellent investment might be a low cost dental plan. Now dental insurance is avaiable to seniors though some companies, however if you need dental work done soon - check to see about plan maximums, waiting periods, deductibles, copays, etc. i.e. in the short term, is it going to be worth the money?

If you know you need work done soon, and you don't have access to dental insurance which will cover it, network dental discount plans are an affordable option. They generally discount services 40 - 60 percent, and sometimes include free check-ups, vision discounts, and other benefits. They usually only run about ten to twenty dollars a month too!

You can check out the dental plans from top rated companies at this website:

Just enter your zip, and it will show you available plans. You can compare them, see if you can find a dentist you like on the list, and find one you can afford. Then you can applly right online.

Thursday, April 13, 2006


I created this blog to discuss dental and health plans, and to allow individuals to research the best options.

Most of the time, when plans are called benefit plans, they are not actually insurance. Some may have insurance inside of them. What does that mean?

We'll talk more!

Visit my website for the whole scoop on saving money on your dental, prescription, medical, doctor, hospital, vision, bills, and more:

And of course, visit my other blog: